08/03: Vientiane trailing & warmshower hospitality (+24; 4580km)

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Curious about the included breakfast in our guesthouse we got up & made our way to the lobby. Turned in our vouchers for toast, an egg, couple slices of cucumber, a slice of pineapple and watermelon & a buffet of crackers with butter, jam & some strange mixed salad. All-in-all a simple, but effective breakfast. Took the time before noon real easy with some reading & figuring out what our plan for the rest of laos & thailand could be. Checked out & took off for a discovery tour through vientiane capital for some bike sightseeing since we had to meet up with a warmshower host only around 5:30pm in the evening. So go&see the vientiane arc de triomphe, national hall, stupa blablabla, statues of probably "important" dudes, mekong river (worksite) promenade & the exterior of some wats...we still haven't recovered completely from our templitis caught on our last day in angkor, cause we got bored real quick ;-) Yet again we realise that we are no cityhoppers...2nd day in the "big" city (which vientiane actually totally isn't, maybe biggest in Laos, but to international levels it remains an overgrown village) and we have no idea what to do around here..?! :-)

Visit museums....just not. Visit wats....*** again a modern looking cement temple in bright colours? (we have simply already seen a lot of them last months). Strolling a promenade? (done that a lot lately). Look at big, unimportant, mostly ugly buildings in anything but awe?...mmm, that's "mildly" amusing to say the least. Sit down and drink a lao beer?...sounds like the best option :-) So a beer & noodlesoup (what else) later we met up with friendly Jeanette (read, we found a real! jeanette for our 'last day of carnival assigment' we got in our diary!) who is working in the vientiane international school and is so kind to host us the next 2 nights before we head off to VangVieng for some days. She has lived in a lot of different countries before & will soon be heading to South America after almost 3y of Laos.

Tomorrow is more practical...get thai visa for next month, get busticket to VV, get a book to read, maybe get a massage? Didin't get these things today since alot was closed due to International Women day, a national holiday in Laos!

2 opmerkingen:

  1. hey Ardan en Line, dacht dat Ventiane een interessante, mooie koloniale stad was, niet dan?
    nu, houd ons op de hoogte van jullie plannen en wat doe je met de fietsen? kus, mama xxx

  2. bwa, heeft een beetje te leiden van alle "instroom" van centen, toeristen en goederen uit thailand lijkt het...alles wordt eender waar en hoe volgebouwd, niet veel koloniaal overgebleven vrees ik.

    Fietsen staan nu in Vientiane, binnen enkele dagen gaan we terug en steken we ermee de mekong over naar thailand.
