22/12: Pontian Kechill...Heello Mistah!

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Heellooo Mistah!...certainly a nice greating to get from a young cleaning girl while standing in the hotel corridor wearing a tight boxer, waving the netbook around for the best wifi signal ;-)

No, honestly, its not just the girl in the hotel, it seems people are getting more relaxed the more we head down towards singapore (or it could just be us getting used to malay style...we don't think so) More & more people wave, yell "hello", ask us where & what we are doing. Is it the fact that they live along the coast? Eat a lot of seafood? More sgp influence? who's to say...

Walking around town...quite small, but at least 5 hotels. Singaporians like to come here & get down it seems. Parteh! (lets hope no loud karaoke tonight, we had that already yesterday). Found a fun store to browse through, it was even fun for Line & me, hardware to cooking supplies, sweet merchandise. Finally we only bought a bit of 2 component glue (just in case) & a keychain rubic-cube to go bonkers on the coming days.

Line also got hooked on a new drink, "Blackcurrant Aloe"...she needs at least 2-3 fixes a day or she gets the shakes...;-) Luckily 7-11, mini marts & gas stations can supply her. Cambodja will mean cold turkey.

Pontian sea view dinner in the evening. Very relaxed mood here, tables, big screens, bbq's.

2 opmerkingen:

  1. Hey schatten,
    Ardan, ik weet niet of het de seafood, de blackcurrant Aloe of jou aanwezigheid is, maar ik merk dat ons Line op elke foto staat te blinken. Merk uit jou commentaar dat je het ook wel naar je zin hebt. Goed zo en houden zo.
    Knuf Mieke

  2. Elk zijn verslaving zeker?

    Kris(ke) en co
