19/03: chillin' in a park somewhere in Ayutthaya(+18; 4708km)

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Yesterday we bought a mango and a couple of bananas on the market for our breakfast today. This morning we went to the 7eleven to buy us some youghurt to put on the fruit and some more Ovaltine :-). Maybe they should have named it Ovalline (considering the quantities she drinks or wants to drink of it all day). It was a delicious breakfast and a good start of a very sunny day! Yess, the sun is back!

After that we changed guesthouse, since the owner's brother was having a party with karaoke tonight. No point of sticking around if we want to sleep :-) We know all there is to know of karaoke overload after 5 months across asia & don't need to get up close & personal. We found another nice guesthouse close by, again little bungalows in a garden, dropped off our stuff in our room and set of for a tour around town. We quickly decided that we had seen enough temples and set down in a park to read our books. (the templeitis virus seems to still be lingering in our bloodstream) Some more 7eleven for a drink (no ovaltine, imagine!) and back to our guesthouse. Guess what we had for dinner.... yep, noodlesoup again! For some strange reason we're still not sick of it. We even ate two of them. 25 baht (0.60€) each! It was a very cheap day foodwise, because for lunch we also had a noodlesoup each and a pepsi each. This only costed a total of 45baht! or couple of cents over a euro. Man, buying food is going to hurt when we get back home :-). What better way to end our day with another Ovaltine (which you can also call Ovalardan by the way, since he's always drinking one too) while reading our books some more.

3 opmerkingen:

  1. fun fact ivm Athuyaya: er worden krokodillen gesignaleerd in 't riool... hmmmmmmm

  2. Haha, ale das tof. Dan is de oude hoofdstad toch nog een beetje hetzelfde als de nieuwe. In Bangkok worden er ook gesignaleerd ;)
    Waar hang jij nu ergens uit en hoe vul je uw dagen?
