03/02: 2 brits by bike for breakfast, lucky boattrip & crazy,drunk xe om's (+114km; 2744km)

Route with pics
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The day after Tet, Chinese (vietnamese) new year! So, Happy Tet! Vietnam so far is similar but clearly different from the other countries we've been to...for starts, Vietnamese are loud. So are cambodians, but vietnamese seem to be it especially when it gets dark & others want to sleep?!? WTF? Our hotel receptionist was screaming (no shit) all the time for some reason, so hard we got not get any sleep (and we had a room of the top, 6th, floor in the hotel)...crazy. Line even had to get up & go downstairs to give him a seriously pissed off look to shut him up. Luckily it worked so we finally managed to get some rest.

At breakfast we also met 2 British brothers biking around who were also heading to Can Tho so after a bit of "bike-chitchat" we headed our ways. Roads are busy! It's like an antfarm. Xe Om's (motos) everywhere moving in some strange kind of chaotic order. Only dodgy side is that a lot are drunk, shitfaced out of their mind even. We counted at least 3 dudes crashed on the ground with their xe om. Most Xe om's also shoot out of side streets into your path everywhere & its your problem to dodge them, they just don't care, they don't even look at the coming traffic! So without surprise we witnessed a guy crashing to the ground because some other dude suddenly getting in front of him. The idiot then takes a minute to watch the crashed dude & his xe om before going on with his bussines. Crashed dude doesn't show any interest in stopping him or even talking to him...?? It's seriously dog-eat-dog...you crash (even clearly because of somebody else) it's your problem! So we know to always try to at least hurt/damage the other if they caused the accident, that way we get a bit even ;-)

Small backroads through the Mekong Delta to Can Tho...Sounds good, but it's hard to find your way around! All the water doesn't make it easy 'cause loads of tracks end up & crossings without bridges...you just never really know what side of the river to be on. Couple of friendly locals showed us the way for a bit, but we still managed to get stuck at the wrong end of the water at some point. Luckily a local quickly 'boated' us across 1 by 1 to the otherside where sweet sweet bridges awaited! No charge! We said Vietnamese aren't nice guys?? Finally ended up on another 'ferry'dingy with 3 xe oms (free again??) and where surprised to find the 2 brit bikers on the ferry's other crossing...what are the odds to meet up in the middle of some backroad while we we're both not really sure where we were :-) So we decided to head on together to Can Tho.

Can Tho looks like a enjoyable, laid back town. But we probably will not stick around for a rest day, maybe tomorrow in the still town of Tra Vinh. So had a nice BBQ, river side dinner by 4. Nice chats & laughs. Maybe we cross them later in Vietnam since they are moving the same way.

Owyeah, Mieke, mama, Gelukkige verjaardag & dikke kussen vanuit Vietnam! Ier met een brommerke rijden is avontuur verzekerd!

--> Impro-kaarsje voor uw verjaardag ;)

3 opmerkingen:

  1. Jullie zien er allebei schitterend uit. En toch wel vriendelijke locals to help you out. Line jij hebt haar op je tanden meid als het nodig is!
    kussen, Chantal

  2. Hip hip hoera voor ons mama, ook nog eens langs deze weg.
    Vietnam ziet er cool uit, ik wil zo terug.

    Geniet er van gelukzakken.

    Kus van de zus

  3. Thanks voor de leuke wensen. Weer een jaartje erbij mogen doen.Morgen uit eten. Wat? Ja juist, Thais maar zal niet zo goede zijn als daar ter plaatse.
    Chantal, Line heeft inderdaad haar op de tanden en dan heb je haar pissed off look nog niet gezien.( je zou voor minder zwijgen)Gelukkig heeft ze meestal een prachtige smile.
    Knuf mams Mieke
