10/04: Sonkran has officially begun

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The Songkran festivities in chiang mai have officially begun. Music, people, street markets, looks & feels very much like a leuvens hapje-tapje or de beleuvenissen. The typical waterfights however have not yet started. This should pick up from tomorrow or the day after. So to take things easy we first enjoyed some more luxury poolside relaxation, covering ourselves with a lot of sunscreen after yesterdays little burn ;-) 6 months in asia, but we still haven't learned our lesson...shissh. Somewhere in the afternoon we headed out into the streets for a noodlesoup lunch followed with terras fruit smoothies while watching the evening street markets come to live. Market got busy pretty soon and there was a bustling crowd...18h sharp the national anthem was blasting out of many speakers and all came to total standstill! Bit like a "mobfreeze" or whatever in europe...except here it happens every day on busy places. See it on Youtube Line & I where actually really caught up in our conversation, remaining totally oblivious to the whole thing until it was nearing the end. Quickly stopped talking and got up too, oeps. Treated ourselves with a healthy sushi dinner, setting us back a whopping 2,5euro for both of us! :-O Damn, it's gonna hurt to be back in Belgium....

1 opmerking:

  1. Ziet er allemaal weer tof uit, zowel de me Jane, you Tarzan van eergisteren als zwemles met peyo.
    Amuseer jullie want 't zal pikken bij thuiskomst (en niet van zonnebrand)
    Kus knuf mams Mieke
